Holistic Wellness
Holistic wellness consultations involve assessing an animal's lifestyle, exercise, diet, and any individual needs that it may have.
Discussing aspects including:
Holistic wellness consultations to discuss how to follow a more natural path for your pet can be for an animal of any age whether a pup or an older dog.
Flea / tick treatment
Titer Testing:
I offer titer testing to see if your pet has sufficient antibodies to diseases that we commonly vaccinate against (Distemper, parvovirus, and hepatitis). This can determine whether or not they need to be vaccinated for these conditions.
I use the Vaccicheck test.

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils either aromatically, topically, or internally to help ease symptoms of many ailments. I use only the highest quality DoTerra essential oils www.doterra.com to make my blends.